Tuesday 17th October 2023


Uni & Uni Admissions > BMAT and UCAT


Section 1 has been updated for 2020 and will no longer include questions that test data analysis and inference

Section 1 tests problem solving and critical thinking.Thinking Skills, now consisting of 32 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking questions. You will also find a further paper in the new format in the section above called Practice papers with explained answers.

Section 2 is based on the knowledge typically included in non-specialist school Science and Mathematics courses. It tests your ability to apply this knowledge – possibly in unfamiliar contexts.

Please note that as curriculums have changed over time, so has the Science and Mathematics content of BMAT Section 2. The BMAT Section 2 content specification has been revised for testing from August 2019 onwards. Questions in the practice papers marked with an asterisk assume knowledge that is not currently on the specification.

Section 3 tests the capacity to develop ideas and to communicate them effectively in writing. It is not a test of knowledge. From 2010-2016, Section 3 had four writing tasks. From 2017, it has a choice of three writing tasks.

Total of 143

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