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The object of the game is to guess a secret code consisting of a series of 4 colored pegs. Each guess results in feedback narrowing down the possibilities of the code. 

You must try to guess the other player's (computer) code by placing different combinations of four pegs in each row and receiving feedback regarding how many of the pegs are in the correct position or the correct color.  The feedback consists of 

  • Each white peg means that one of the guessed pegs is correct, but is in the wrong hole
  • Each black peg means that one of the guessed pegs is correct, and is in the right hole.

Note: The order of the white and black pegs does not matter.

A player wins by guessing the code within their 12 rows of guesses.

With four holes and six colors, there are 64 = 1,296 different patterns (allowing duplicate colors but not blanks).

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